Free To Be Me

I recently read a book called “Free to be me” by Betty Robison. In her book, Betty describes how fear and self-doubt have paralyzed her, making her believe that nothing she did was enough and that she could never “measure up.” As she grows throughout her life, she learns to face her fears and breaks…


My Corner Sits Empty

Morning commuters drive by the busy streets while those walking hurriedly down the sidewalks stopping for their morning coffee while checking their blackberries for those important meaningless messages. The sun is just starting to rise giving a glimmer of hope for a beautiful day. Last night they dragged my dead drug riddled body away. The…


6 Steps To Learning Your Personal Style

“You can’t always keep up with the Joneses.” a phrase I’ve heard throughout my entire childhood from parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, you name it…every family member.  Back in my grammar school years, Jordan’s, name plate belts, and sock buns was the trend throughout my urban community. I felt like I had to stay on track…


The “Love Yourself” Trap

One of the greatest modern-day struggles our delicate society faces is self-esteem. How we feel about ourselves seems to be so crucial for success in almost all areas of life, that self-confidence becomes just another thing for you to acquire. Everywhere you look for advice on the subject, you’re told that you must “love yourself”,…



We spend so much time obsessing over social media: amount of followers, how many likes, what people thought about me picture, when was the last time I posted? We waste so much time worry about trivial things that should and don’t define us. Now imagine for a minute there was no social media – no…


Taylor Swift Motivational Speech

“Speaking of great amounts of pain, from talking to you so much, I’ve never been so sure that it is treacherous and difficult to be happy in 2017. I think that navigating your life, navigating your self-esteem, your self-image, I think that’s harder than it’s ever been before. I think it’s because every day, and…
