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Struggling With Insecurities

I have suffered with skin problems since I was 13. I have heard many kind things about my outlook during my life. Even when I had my daily job as food markets clerk there was some opinions about my face. Time goes on and when I was giving birth to my first child I decided…

Taylor Swift Motivational Speech

“Speaking of great amounts of pain, from talking to you so much, I’ve never been so sure that it is treacherous and difficult to be happy in 2017. I think that navigating your life, navigating your self-esteem, your self-image, I think that’s harder than it’s ever been before. I think it’s because every day, and…


We spend so much time obsessing over social media: amount of followers, how many likes, what people thought about me picture, when was the last time I posted? We waste so much time worry about trivial things that should and don’t define us. Now imagine for a minute there was no social media – no…