I’m a morning person! Well… more like a mid-morning person, my perfect schedule would be getting up at 8!
Unfortunately, with my new job, that does not work with my schedule. My day to day routine has been altered greatly by my new job. Not only is it different and more hours than my last job, but I don’t work from home. (Hooray, I can retire the Covid WFH sweatpants!)
With this new schedule, I decided I’m going to become an early morning person! With so much of my day being spent in the office, I want to make sure I leave enough time in the day to do other activities that benefit my physical and mental health.
My new activity is the gym! I now get up at 5AM, a not so easy adjustment at first. I spend thirty minutes making my pre-workout snack and getting dressed, then I go to the gym. I end up back home around 7:30 with an hour to get ready for work!
I’m not gonna lie, at first I hated this schedule. I hit snooze on my alarm more times than not, but as my body got used to the early mornings, I found I had an easier time getting up. Now, I look forward to my morning workouts!
With the big change in my life of switching jobs, I knew I needed to change elsewhere and knew it would be a good opportunity to create a better and healthier routine.
Keep an eye out for more posts about creating a healthier lifestyle!