Today is the nationally recognized day of love. I think a lot of people forget about that. They get so obsessed with the date planning, finding the perfect gift, or what romcom to binge. I think the meaning of today gets lost in translation. That needs to change. Today is about expressing your love.
Couples get so fixated on acting on Valentine’s Day, instead of enjoying it. For couples, I recommend taking a breath and sitting down with your loved one. Tell them fourteen things you love about them. Tell them why you love them, the happiness they bring you. Push out all the negativeness, and focus on expressing your love to your partner.
Love is so much more than a romantic partnership. Today should also be about the love you have for friends. If you can, make a list of fourteen positive things to say to your friends that express your love. Push past your doubt, concern, focus on spreading love.
Family is also a big compartment of our hearts. Call your mom, dad, siblings, cousin, whoever is a significant person in your life. If you ever feel shy about your feelings, know today is a good day to express. Most people are wishing for that affection because of what the 14th signifies.
There is one person above all that deserves a declaration of love. Yourself. Create a list of fourteen things you love about yourself. Dig deep inside, past the surface level (well I do love my hair, so I will say that). What characteristics about yourself make you feel positive? What makes the greatest parts of you? Once your list is compiled, present it to yourself in front of the mirror. Loving yourself is the most important thing in the world. None of your other declarations will mean much, if the one to yourself is not honest.
Spread the love today.
I wish you all a Happy Valentine’s Day!