With the arrival of a new year, we find ourselves creating new goals and resolutions. Unfortunately, most of these goals are discarded by February. This can be attributed to human nature or the construct of resolutions, but it is possible to keep these goals all year. Today, I will go over tips and tricks to make the most of your goals!
Be Realistic
Your goals may already be made, but there’s nothing wrong with editing them to be attainable. If your goals are along the lines of losing fifty pounds this year or becoming an expert at karate, you mind yourself struggling. By setting up these unattainable and daunting goals, you’re more likely to fall behind. Instead, try to set a goal such as losing two pounds every two weeks or learning a new karate move every week.
Plan Ahead
Want to become a vegan? Well, you should have all of your animal products removed from your pantry and stocked with the ones that aid your new lifestyle. By planning ahead, you are more likely to stay on your goal.
Track Your Progress
Short term goals are easier to keep, and small accomplishments will keep you motivated. Writing down your progress will keep you on track while being a place of motivation!
Reward Yourself
You’re making great accomplishments here! Make sure to let yourself know with an occasional treat!
Stick To It
Experts say that it takes twenty one days to create a new habit and six months to become a part of your personality. Be persistent and patient, and your goals will become a part of your everyday lifestyle!
How do you keep your resolutions? Let us know in the comments!