Have you ever felt the need to express your thoughts, but didn’t know where to start? You’re not alone. One of the best ways to find peace is by journaling. Journaling can help release pent-up emotions and feelings that are difficult for us to express in real life, a form of communication with ourselves or someone who may be absent from our lives, or something as simple as an outlet for creativity. In all, it can help with a variety of things.
Sometimes our brain can get overwhelmed with thoughts (positive or negative) that we want to keep to ourselves. Yet, if we don’t find a way to express these personal thoughts, they can keep bouncing around in our head or feel overwhelming. That’s why journaling can be a great form of expression. All of these thoughts can be released from your brain and put on paper. It can be a relieving feeling expressing these thoughts. It is totally up to you if you want to share these pages or hide them under your pillow. This is a great way to express yourself and can be used as therapy.
Journaling can also help us communicate with people who are no longer around or may not know how we feel about certain things. This could be someone you miss (past lover, friend, family member). Or something that has happened in your life where the person was involved. Writing in a diary is an excellent way to thank that person or tell them how you feel about what happened. It can also help us process the event and move on from it, no longer feeling upset or frustrated by something we cannot change.
It can help you communicate to people that are currently in your life as well. Sometimes talking about your feelings or experiences can be really hard, so instead we say nothing. Writing is a great way to clearly write out what you are feeling with no pressure, you can take your time writing it. When you are ready you can simply pass the page to the person you want to express your feelings to.
Of course, journaling is also a great way to express your creativity. There are many ways you can use it as an outlet for your creative mind. Draw pictures in the pages or write poems about something that has happened recently or even years ago. You could create lists of goals and dreams that you have accomplished or want to accomplish one day. You can even use your journal as a scrapbook and write or glue pictures in the pages to create timelines of important events that have happened in your life, documenting it for years to come.
Journaling helps with creativity for those who have writer’s block as well! If you are struggling on finishing that book or poem, maybe it’s time to temporarily set it aside. Instead, take at least twenty minutes every day to write a story, a poem, or anything else to get your creative juices flowing. This is one of the best cures for writer’s block.
The possibilities are endless! Journaling is an excellent way to express yourself on many levels, from creativity to communication with others. It’s also great for your mental health and can even help you in the long run. Writing allows us to release pent-up emotions that we may not want to express verbally, but it also releases endorphins into our body, which makes us feel good! Keeping a journal is like having an open dialogue with yourself or someone else; whether they are present or not. There are many ways to use a journal, but the most important thing when it comes to journaling is that you do what feels right for you. You can even mix and match all of these ideas! So write your thoughts in one place, express yourself creatively by drawing or writing poems about them…the possibilities are endless.
Now it’s time to go to a store (or online) and browse the many types of journals available. Look for the one that pleases you aesthetically and begin your journaling. It is a process you won’t regret.