Crave — (verb) feel a powerful desire for (something).
Craving is different from hunger. A craving is specific; it can only be satisfied by a particular thing. It’s an entire experience, something you’ve had a taste of before, and are dying to have it again.
I crave FREEDOM. Always am and always will. When I am free, it is expansive; anything is possible, and there are no limits to life’s adventures.
No one predicted this past year, in any way. We are not used to feeling out of control and that all is uncertain, though it ALWAYS is! The illusion of life as we know it has come undone.
I spent last year counting my blessings and stayed put in my work for fear of too much change at once. But now, what was working is no longer working. On the plus side, there are lots of opportunities. But we just have to be willing to tell the truth about what we really want.
For lots of us, admitting we are unhappy in our current situation feels selfish, when so many have suffered so much worse! We bite our tongue, take what we’re given, and don’t complain out loud for fear of the karma Gods coming down and biting us in the arse.
How can we contain our desire for change without going insane?
Well, first we must identify what our deepest driving desire IS: “You are what your deep, driving desire is. As you desire, so is your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny.” —Brihadaranyaka Upanishad IV.4.5
To uncover our deepest desires, we must go to the core of ourselves, deep within. When you ask: “What do I REALLY want?” What comes up? Your first thought might be: “I want money.” But, what does money give you? It gives the experience of FREEDOM, yes? Perhaps you want peace….but where is peace found? It is found in the PRESENT! Are you practicing present moment awareness? If you’re in your head ruminating about the past or anticipating the future, you’re not.
Hire a coach or someone to guide you by asking the right questions. Also, having a daily meditation practice is the only way to access the seeds of our desires within us. What do you crave at the SOUL level? What does your SPIRIT have a hankering for, and what would it FEEL like if it were happening right now?
It’s been a doozy of a year (and a half!) so remember to be easy on yourself. What this looks like is extra compassion, enjoying the small things that bring the most pleasure, just because.
Life is ALWAYS uncertain. Control is just an illusion. Satisfy your most intense cravings, pronto. There is no more time to lose.
Written by Micole Nobel!
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