“For those of you who think it’s okay to pick apart the way Lady GaGa’s body looked for her halftime performance: I hope you realize that people like YOU are the reason why women fall into eating disorders, feel obligated to starve themselves, or stand in front or mirrors and pick themselves apart, day after day.

Lady Gaga Super Bowl 2017
STOP attacking women’s bodies. We as women are NOT an object to be targeted. And shoutout to Lady GaGa for feeling damn confident and rocking that stage no matter what anyone thought about her body.
She looked beautiful.
She gave one hell of a performance.
I’d love to see these trolls perform for 20 or so minutes, sing vocals and hit chords like that, all while dancing in front of millions like she did. Because the truth of the matter is: they wouldn’t have too much to say about “her body” after that.” – @brittany_dawn_fitness
AMEN! Brittany worded that perfectly!
Lady Gaga rocked the Super Bowl & she looked AMAZING!
Lady Gaga’s response to the body shamer’s was awesome and inspiring. Great role model!
She’s owning the message #BYOU
#BeYourOwnYou #LoveYourBody #LoveYourself

Lady Gaga’s response to the body shamers on instagram.